Business Office
Susquehanna Township School District Business Office is committed to serving the financial needs of the district in order to ensure The Success of Every Learner. The Business Office is committed to transparency and strives to provide our stakeholders with clear and relevant financial information. Staff are committed to ensuring that taxpayer resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. This site is continually evolving to include additional reports, visuals and pertinent information.
Business Office Staff
Business Office Staff
Laurel Black
- Key Fiscal Information
- Annual Budget Development
- Annual Budgets - Historical
- Annual Independent Financial Audits - Historical
- Procurements
- Right-To-Know Law (RTKL)
- ESSER Funding
Key Fiscal Information
Susquehanna Township School District’s annual General Fund Budget is one of the most important legal documents it develops. Fiscal management is essential to the long-term success of the district. STSD strives to maximum its revenues and optimize its use of funding in support of its educational goals and obligations consistent with its Mission, Vision and Values. Please access the below links to learn more about key fiscal information regarding the district’s annual financial operations. The information provided via these links is based on STSD’s most recently completed Independent Financial Statement Audit.
- Revenue Question: How much does STSD receive in revenues to educate its students and from what sources are the revenues received?
- Expenditure Question #1: How much does STSD spend to educate its students and which programs are the funds utilized to support?
- Expenditure Question #2: How much does STSD spend to educate its student regarding the various services and commodities necessary to operate the district. (Example: Salaries, Employee Benefits, Supplies, Etc.)
- Fiscal Management Question: How well are STSD's funds fiscally managed year-over-year?
- Cyber/Charter School Tuition Cost – Question (Fiscally Unsustainable): How much does STSD spend to fund its resident children choosing to attend Cyber/Charter schools, instead of STSD operated schools?
Revenue Question: How much does STSD receive in revenues to educate its students and from what sources are the revenues received?
Expenditure Question #1: How much does STSD spend to educate its students and which programs are the funds utilized to support?
2019-2020 Fiscal Year Total Expenditures
Cost associated with direct instruction of students.
Support Services
Cost in support of educating students inclusive of student guidance, attendance, psychological, speech pathology and audiology, social, student accounting, technology, library, staff professional development, pupil health, administration, operations and maintenance of facilities, business services, security, etc.
Operation of Non-instructional
Cost to finance non-instructional expenditures associated with students, staff, and the community inclusive of, but not limited to student sponsored activities, athletics, community services, etc.
Debt Service
Cost to finance principal and interest payments due on long-term debt borrowed to finance district facility acquisitions, repairs, and improvements.
Expenditure Question #2: How much does STSD spend to educate its student regarding the various services and commodities necessary to operate the district. (Example: Salaries, Employee Benefits, Supplies, Etc.)
Fiscal Management Question: How well are STSD's funds fiscally managed year-over-year?
5 Year Review - Annual Revenue Trends
- Total % Increase Over Period 12.42%
- Average Annual % Increase During Period 3.11%
- Total $ Increase Over Period $5,784,851
- Average Annual $ Increase During Period $1,446,21
5 Year Review - Annual Expenditure Trends
- Total % Increase Over Period 12.06%
- Average Annual % Increase During Period 3.01%
- Total $ Increase Over Period $5,580,220
- Average Annual $ Increase During Period $1,395,055
Cyber/Charter School Tuition Cost – Question (Fiscally Unsustainable): How much does STSD spend to fund its resident children choosing to attend Cyber/Charter schools, instead of STSD operated schools?
Annual Budget Development
In accordance with Act 1 of 2006, the Taxpayer Relief Act, limits school boards’ power to raise real estate taxes. PA School Districts must keep local tax increases within an annually defined Act 1 Index (percentage increase) unless the District files and is approved for an exception by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). In addition to the limitation on the rate at which taxes are raised, Act 1 requires that Districts adhere to and establish a considerable level of transparency and accountability relative to the planning, preparation and adoption of annual General Fund Budgets. Please access the below links to review information on STSD’s budget development documents.
Budget Timeline
Act 1 Notices
Budget Adoptions
STSD’s General Fund Budget Adoptions (PDE-2028 State Forms)
PDE 2028 24-25 FY Proposed Final General Fund Budget
Annual Budgets - Historical
STSD provides copies of its annual General Fund Budgets filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) for the most recent 10-year period. This information provides the public with historical data on the composition of budgeted district revenues, expenditures, and fund balance.
Annual Budgets Historical
Annual Independent Financial Audits - Historical
STSD provides copies of its annual Independent Financial Statement Audits completed by the firm, Boyer and Ritter, LLC and Trout Ebersole & Groff, LLP for the most recent 10-year period. This information provides the public with Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), as well as Opinions on the district’s financial operations. It is noted that STSD has received the highest and best Opinion possible on its Financial Statements for each of the 10 years presented.
FY Independent Local Audit Reports
Susquehanna Township School District’s procurement team is committed to obtaining the highest quality products and services at the best prices, while ensuring that our business practices are executed with the highest degree of professional ethics and integrity. We aim to comply with PA Public School code procurement requirements while building solid business partners relationships and supporting small businesses.
- Minority & Small Business Participation
- Request for Proposals (RFPs)
- Competitive Sealed Low Bids (Bids)
- Tabulations
- Awards
Minority & Small Business Participation
STSD has one of the most ethnically diverse student populations in the nation and PA. During the 20-21 fiscal year, STSD ranks the number 2 most diverse school district in the State of PA and number 15 in the United States of America. When considering these statistics and in accordance with STSD’s core value, “Our Diversity is Our Strength”, the district is committed to promoting equal opportunity for Minority and Small Business Enterprises. To this end, the district strategically includes language to encourage such participation in applicable procurement documents.
Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Competitive Sealed Low Bids (Bids)
Right-To-Know Law (RTKL)
Section 67.305 of the RTKL provides for a presumption that all records maintained by a Pennsylvania state or local agency are presumed to be public records, and hence subject to disclosure, unless the agency can establish one or more of the following factors:
- Disclosure is barred by state or federal law or regulation, or court order;
- The requested record is privileged; or
- One of the exceptions to the RTKL applies
In regard to the third factor, the RTKL contains thirty (30) exceptions, which permit a state or local agency to withhold information under certain circumstances. These exceptions include, but are not limited to, records that pertain to confidential personal information or public safety issues, such as Social Security numbers; driver’s license numbers; medical records; performance evaluations; criminal investigations; and internal agency deliberations. Where possible and appropriate, requested records may be redacted to exclude any information subject to the RTKL exceptions.
STSD Right-To-Know Requests
All Susquehanna Township School District RTK requests can be directed to:
Agency Head: Dr. Tamara Willis, Superintendent
Solicitor: Attorney William J. Zee, Appel, Yost & Zee, LLP Law Office
Mailing Address:
Susquehanna Township School District
Open Records Officer
2579 Interstate Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact Information
Phone: 717-657-5100
Fax: 717-724-1851
General Email:
(for general questions and appeal submissions)
District Office Hours
8:00am to 4:00pm when school is in session
Please call 717-657-5100 for summer and holiday hours
Right-To-Know Frequently Asked Questions
All requests for information are filled in accordance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Act (Act 3 of 2008). Most notably, a response to each request will be provided within five business days of the filing of the request. If a request is denied by the Open Records Officer, a reason(s) for the denial will be provided, with information on how to appeal the decision of the Open Records Officer.
The District does not charge a fee to locate the public information (i.e., employee time), but the District does charge nominal duplication fees as approved by the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. In addition, the District charges actual postage fees if the public information is mailed to the requestor. Per the Act, the District reserves the right to require pre-payment of fees when fees are estimated to exceed $100, and the District reserves the right to waive any fee.
How do I appeal a decision of the Open Records Officer?
An appeal of the decision of the Open Records Officer must be filed with the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records within fifteen (15) business days of the date of denial. All appeals may be filed online by visiting the Office of Open Records or forwarded to: