Taxpayer Information
Pennsylvania school districts, like those in most states rely largely on local taxation revenue. Though limits are placed on allowable tax rates, local tax efforts are largely determined by each School District’s Board of Directors. In most districts, real estate property taxes provide more than 70 percent of local school revenues. Personal income tax and an assortment of other taxes contribute to the remaining local school funding.
The top three local tax revenue sources in Susquehanna Township School District are:
- real estate property
- earned income, and
- personal school taxes
The STSD Tax Office is your first source for answers to questions about school taxation.
You may contact the Tax Department representative Mrs. Cheryl Reed at
- Real Estate Taxes
- Personal School Taxes
- Earned Income Tax (EIT)
- Census
- HACC Certificate of Residency
Real Estate Taxes
It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to see that their taxes are paid. For that reason, the bill is mailed to the property owner. If the property owner has an escrow account with their bank or mortgage company, the taxpayer must forward the bill to them for payment. Please follow-up with the bank or mortgage company to ensure the payment has been made.
Regular annual Susquehanna Township School District (STSD) Real Estate Tax notices are mailed to district residents on or about July 1 of each year. Payments must be postmarked or received by the district’s Tax Collector, J.P. Harris & Associates, within the following periods:
- Discount amount: July 1 - August 30 (2% Discount)
- Face amount: September 1 - October
- Penalty amount: November 1 – December 31 (10% Penalty)
- Interim Real Estate Tax Notices
- Acceptable Payment Methods
- Real Estate Tax Property Assessment Information
- Computation of Real Estate Tax Billing-Face Amount
- Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
- Real Estate Property Tax Homestead & Farmstead Exclusion
- PA Property Tax Rebate Program
Interim Real Estate Tax Notices
Interim STSD Real Estate Tax notices are mailed to applicable residents on March 1 and August 1 each year. Interim Real Estate Taxes result from additional assessments to your land and building values during the tax year, some examples include new home construction, pool installation and building additions. Payments must be postmarked or received by the district’s Tax Collector, J.P. Harris & Associates, within the following periods:
- March 1 billing payment periods
- Discount amount: March 1 – April 30 (2% Discount)
- Face amount: May 1 – June 30
- Penalty amount: August 1 – December 30 (10% Penalty)
- August 1 billing payment periods
- Discount amount: August 1 – September 30 (2% Discount)
- Face amount: October 1 – November 30
- Penalty amount: December 1 – January 31 (10% Penalty)
Acceptable Payment Methods
- Payments can be made online at
- Credit card payments can be made by calling J.P. Harris & Associates at 717-766-4099.
- Payments can be mailed to J.P. Harris & Associates LLC, PO Box 226, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0226.
- Payments can be placed in the secure drop box located at the Susquehanna Township School District Administrative Offices, 2579 Interstate Drive, Harrisburg PA 17110.
Real Estate Tax Property Assessment Information
Real estate taxes are based on the assessed value of your land and building, which is determined by the Dauphin County Tax Office of Tax Assessment. The assessment value can be found on your real estate bill. The assessment value is not the market value. To verify your property’s assessment value, you may contact the Dauphin County Office of Tax Assessment at (717) 780-6101 or online at
Computation of Real Estate Tax Billing-Face Amount
Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
Real Estate Property Tax Homestead & Farmstead Exclusion
The Taxpayer Relief Act – Act 1 of Special Session 1 of 2006 provides the homestead and/or farmstead exclusion to qualifying properties, as a means of reducing school real estate taxes. These exclusions are administered by the Dauphin County Office of Tax Assessment. For additional information, review “The Taxpayer Relief Act – Act 1 Special Session 1 of 2006” application at If you need assistance, please call the Dauphin County Office of Tax Assessment at (717) 780-6101 during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
PA Property Tax Rebate Program
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue offers a property tax rebate program. If you are 65 or older, a widow or widower (50 or older) or permanently disabled, owning and occupying a home in the District, you could qualify. For additional information, click on the link below:
If you need assistance, please call 1-888-222-9190 during normal business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m
Personal School Taxes
STSD and its local municipality, Susquehanna Township levies the following personal taxes. STSD and Susquehanna Township personal taxes are billed on or about July 1. The STSD portion of these taxes at face amounts are presented below:
- Per Capita - $5.00
- Residence - $5.00
- Occupation - $270.00
July 1 personal tax billing payment periods
- Discount amount: July 1 - August 30 (2% Discount)
- Face amount: September 1 – October
- Penalty amount: November 1 – December 31 (5% Penalty)
Personal Tax Notices Acceptable Payment Methods
These taxes are collected by JP Harris & Associates. Below are the available payment methods.
- Payments can be made online at
- Credit card payments can be made by calling J.P. Harris & Associates at 717-766-4099.
- Payments can be mailed to J.P. Harris & Associates LLC, PO Box 226, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0226.
- Payments can be placed in the secure drop box located at the Susquehanna Township School District Administrative Offices, 2579 Interstate Drive, Harrisburg PA 17110.
Personal Tax Exonerations and Forms
A taxpayer may be exonerated from the payment of personal taxes in the event the taxpayer is 1) under the age of 18, 2) has an annual income of less than $5,000, 3) is legally disabled, 4) is institutionalized, and/or 5) is a student over 18 years of age enrolled full-time in post-secondary education.
A copy of the exoneration form providing more details regarding matter relating to exoneration from the payment of personal school taxes is available for review and download below.
Earned Income Tax (EIT)
STSD residents are required to pay 1% of their earned income (salaries, wages, business profits, etc.) to the Keystone Collections Group. STSD receives .5% and the Susquehanna Township local municipality receives .5%. If you are employed, Pennsylvania employers will deduct the earned income tax amount from your pay and submit it to Keystone Collections Group on your behalf. If you are self-employed, you must pay the required amount to the Earned Income Tax Collector by April 15 for the preceding calendar year and are subject to quarterly estimated payments. Keystone Collections Group is the EIT collector responsible for distributing these tax revenues to the taxing authorities (school district & local municipality). For additional information or forms, please visit under “Taxpayer Resources” or contact:
Keystone Collections Group
2330 Vartan Way, Suite 155
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 1-888-328-0577
In accordance with PA Public School Code, every school district in the state is required to conduct an annual census. STSD traditionally conducts this census in the spring (March) of each year. The census is performed through an initial census form mailing to all households requiring return to the district. STSD makes a personal door-to-door contact with all non-respondents. It is vitally important that all persons residing in the household are legibly listed on the census form. Those listed on the form includes:
- anyone using the household address as his/her legal residence,
- members of the household in the Armed Services
- members of the household away at college.
The information you provide on this form is invaluable to the school district in planning for the educational needs of our community. Your response is greatly appreciated. “Our Kids are Counting on Us!
Census Form
In the event you misplace or need another form, the form is available by clicking the link.
When all information is completed, please sign, date, and return via one of the following methods:
- Email to
- Fax to 717-724-1851
- Or mail to:
Susquehanna Township School District
Business Office – Census
2579 Interstate Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Should you require assistance completing this form, please contact the business office representative, Mrs. Michaelann Roman at 717-724-3311.
HACC Certificate of Residency
HACC Residency Verification
POLICY 912.1
The Board recognizes the Community College Program as an adjunct educational opportunity for eligible residents of the District. Under the terms of the Sponsorship Agreement between the Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and the Susquehanna Township School District, the School District subsidizes a portion of HACC's operating costs and capital expenses.
There is no waiting period to qualify for District tuition benefits for persons moving here from another sponsoring district in Perry, Dauphin, and Cumberland Counties, provided they have met that district's residency requirements.
Each sponsoring district will be responsible for subsidizing eligible persons residing in that district on July 1. A person moving from one sponsoring district to another after July 1 will remain the responsibility of the original district for that fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
Persons who move into the Susquehanna Township School District from a non-sponsoring district must reside here for a period of six (6) months prior to enrollment at HACC and must be a U.S. citizen to qualify for residency tuition rate.
A certificate of residency will be valid only during the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in which they are issued. There will be no retroactive certification after the close of any semester.
Persons liable for and delinquent in payment of per capita or occupation taxes shall not be eligible for a certificate of residency.
To be eligible, a person's high school class must be graduated or the person granted early admission in accordance with the District's early admission policy.
Early Admission:
The District will assume responsibility for one-third of the tuition beginning with the fall semester immediately following completion of the pupil's junior year of high school for any pupil who meets the residency requirements and has been granted early admission to Harrisburg Area Community College as a full-time student under provisions of Chapter 7, Section 145, Regulations of the State Board of Education.
Adopted October 19, 2015