Student Complaint Process
The Student Complaint Process is designed to ensure an equitable, prompt, and satisfactory resolution for all parties involved, at the lowest possible administrative level. This process is distinct from grievance procedures. Grievances related to discrimination and harassment should be addressed in accordance with the relevant Board policies and administrative regulations. A student complaint typically involves an alleged misapplication of the Code of Student Conduct, Board policy, administrative regulation, or school rule. To ensure that each complaint is resolved in an orderly and timely manner, students must follow the established process.
Step One:
The student will arrange a conference with the staff member involved, or with the guidance counselor if no specific staff member is identified. This conference should occur within three (3) school days of the request, except in exceptional circumstances. The student may bring their parents/guardians to the meeting. Both parties will work to resolve the issue informally and directly. The staff member will then prepare a written report of the conference and its outcome.
Step Two:
If the issue is not resolved in Step One, the student will complete a Student Complaint Form and submit it to the principal. The staff member will provide the written report from Step One to the principal or designee. The principal or designee will then arrange a conference within three (3) school days of receiving the complaint, except in exceptional circumstances. The student may bring their parents/guardians to this meeting. The principal or designee will prepare a written report of the conference and its outcome.
Step Three:
If the complaint is still unresolved after Step Two, the principal or designee will forward the original Student Complaint Form and the reports from the first two conferences to the Assistant Superintendent. The Assistant Superintendent or designee will schedule a conference with the student and their parents/guardians within five (5) school days of receiving the materials. A written report of this conference and its conclusion will be prepared by the Assistant Superintendent or designee.
Step Four:
If the complaint is still unresolved after Step Three, the Assistant Superintendent or designee will forward the original Student Complaint Form and the reports from the first two conferences to the Superintendent. The Superintendent or designee will schedule a conference with the student and their parents/guardians within five (5) school days of receiving the materials. A written report of this conference and its conclusion will be prepared by the Superintendent or designee.
Step Five:
If the complaint remains unresolved after Step Four, the student may request a meeting with the Board by submitting a request to the Board Secretary. The Superintendent will forward all relevant written reports to the Board. A meeting with the Board will be scheduled within ten (10) days of the request, except in exceptional circumstances. The student and their parents/guardians will attend this meeting. The decision of the Board is final and will conclude the complaint process.