Sports Medicine
Sports Physicals Information
In order for a student to participate in interscholastic athletics grades 7 through 12 offered at Susquehanna Township High School AND Middle School (including cheerleading), the student MUST have a pre-participation physical examination by a certified medical physician no more than six weeks prior to the legal starting date for that season.
Only the PIAA CIPPE (Comprehensive Intitial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation) form located on the schools website or in the main office, may be used for athletic participation Forms should be completed by a licensed medical physical and returned to the main office at the high school or middle school. All forms will be reviewed by the Athletic Trainer prior to their participation.
Below is a list of physician offices that perform sports physical if you have missed the school provided day or are unable to get into your primary care physician:
Concussion Information
IMPACT testing is a computer software program used to determine a baseline reference point in relation to long/short term memory, reaction and reflex, and cognitive recognition specific to the individual student-athlete. This is not an IQ test.
If a student-athlete receives a concussion during their sport season, they are retested using a post concussion test. These post-concussion tests are then compared to the baseline test to help the medical staff determine the severity and location of the injury to the brain, as well as to help determine when it is safe for the student-athlete to return to play.
This program is NOT the only means used to return the student-athlete to participation, but it does provide invaluable graphs, ratios, and comparisons to educate/inform the parents, student-athletes, coaches and treating physicians and the Athletic Trainer.
IMPACT testing is mandatory for student participation and for student-athletes in grades 9 thru 12 in the following sports: Football, Field Hockey, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer. Any student-athlete that is required to take the baseline will NOTbe permitted to try-out, practice, or compete until the baseline test is taken.
For additional information about this test, please contact the Athletic Trainer at
For additional information about Concussions, go to