Parent Resources
- Student Registration
- Change of Address Procedures
- Work Permits
- HACC Residency
- PA Assistance Programs
- One-to-One Program
- The GIANT Company Partnerships
- Student Policies, Manual and Handbook
Student Registration
Registration Requirements For All New Students
The District cannot finalize a student registration or enroll a student in the District without all required documents. If you are unable to upload the required documents online, please contact the District Registrar to schedule an appointment.
Any one of the following constitutes acceptable documentation: birth certificate; baptismal certificate; notarized copy of the record of baptism or certified and showing the date of birth; notarized statement from the parents or another relative indicating the date of birth; a valid passport; a prior school record indicating the date of birth.
Certificate of immunization must be provided. A detailed list of school vaccination requirements for attendance in all Pennsylvania Schools may be found below. Please also provide a copy of your child’s physical exam and dental exam.
ONE ITEM REQUIRED – Residential documents that establish Susquehanna Township Residency:
Any one of the following constitutes acceptable documentation: deed; mortgage; signed lease/rental agreement; municipal and/or school taxes or proof of payment; signed agreement of sale for the purchase of a residence or residential unit; signed contract for the construction of a residence within STSD with a copy of the building permit and/or other applicable permits.
ONE ITEM REQUIRED – Identification Documents that establish Susquehanna Township Residency:
Current Pennsylvania State issued driver’s license; Pennsylvania State ID card issued by PennDOT with your current address; Pennsylvania automobile registration; current utility bill (cell phone bills will NOT be accepted); current credit card bill or bank statement; current check stub from wages, public assistance, social security, or other income. NOTE: multiple occupants will need to provide two items from this list at the time of registration.
MULTIPLE OCCUPANTS – Multiple occupancy is when one or more families are living within the home of a Susquehanna Township resident.
The multiple occupant family member and homeowner must be present at the time of registration. The Multiple Occupancy Forms must be completed by the homeowner at the time of registration. In addition, the homeowner must provide residency and identification documents (please see above). Please contact the District Registrar with any questions on your residency status.
If your child(ren) has an IEP or any special education requirements, please provide that documentation at the time of registration.
Please provide a current copy of any custody orders. If you are the designated guardian for a child, a Guardianship Affidavit must be completed, signed and notarized and submitted to the registrar either in person or by email.
Change of Address Procedures
Parents and Guardians of STSD Students must complete a Change of Address Form anytime there is an address change. Even if the new address is within Susquehanna Township, a completed Change of Address Form is required.
Please click the Change of Address Form The form may be edited online, but once the form has been filled out, it can be printed and hand-delivered to the District Office or emailed to the Homeless Liaison.
IMPORTANT: This document must be notarized. If you would like to use the district’s notary, please call to schedule an appointment. In addition to the notary, the parent/guardian must also provide the following documents:
- Parents/Guardians that own a home or are renters must provide one item from List A and one item from List B:
- Parents/Guardians that are multiple occupants must provide two items from List B. The homeowner must also be present at the district office and must provide one item from List A and one item from List B.
Please contact the District Office at (717) 657-5100 for questions or to schedule an appointment.
Claudia Huber
List A
- Deed
- Mortgage
- Real Estate Taxes
- Lease/Rental Agreement
- Agreement of Sale
- Contract
List B
- PA Driver’s License
- PA ID Card
- PA Auto Registration
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement/Credit Card Bill
- Check Stub
Work Permits
Who should apply for a Work Permit?Students ages 14 to 17 are required to have a work permit in order to obtain employment in the state of Pennsylvania.
Work Permit Process
- To obtain a work permit, a student must provide an application (completed by a parent or guardian) and a valid proof of age document (ex: Birth Certificate or passport)
- Applications may be printed from the link here: Application for Work Permit (pa.gov), Or picked up in the schools main office.
- The applicant must "appear before" the issuing officer, in accordance with the Child Labor Act. This also enables the issuing officer to verify a proof of age document.
- The student will sign the work permit when received and shows it to the employer, who makes a copy for their records. The student retains the original work permit.
Students living in Susquehanna Township but not attending its district schools(Cyber, Charter, Private, and Homeschool)
Students residing in Susquehanna Township School District but do not attend district schools may still apply for the work permit through high school or middle school. Caregivers/Guardians will need to bring a valid ID and one residential document with name and address. Student must be present during application process.
For more information, please CLICK HERE to visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. CLICK HERE for general information on Child labor Laws.
Walk-In AppointmentsWork permits will be issued in-person at STMS and STHS without an appointment Monday through Friday from 9am - 2pm. Please contact the building issuing officer to schedule an appointment outside of these hours. Please note all district buildings and offices are closed on Fridays during the summer.
Susquehanna Township High School | 3500 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg PA 17109 | (717) 657-5117
Susquehanna Township Middle School | 801 Wood Street, Harrisburg PA 17109 | (717) 657-5125
STSD Issuing Officer Contact Information
High School
Mercides Roland
Middle School
Kayla Gambelunghe
HACC Residency
POLICY 912.1
The Board recognizes the Community College Program as an adjunct educational opportunity for eligible residents of the District. Under the terms of the Sponsorship Agreement between the Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and the Susquehanna Township School District, the School District subsidizes a portion of HACC's operating costs and capital expenses.
There is no waiting period to qualify for District tuition benefits for persons moving here from another sponsoring district in Perry, Dauphin, and Cumberland Counties, provided they have met that district's residency requirements.
Each sponsoring district will be responsible for subsidizing eligible persons residing in that district on July 1. A person moving from one sponsoring district to another after July 1 will remain the responsibility of the original district for that fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
Persons who move into the Susquehanna Township School District from a non-sponsoring district must reside here for a period of six (6) months prior to enrollment at HACC and must be a U.S. citizen to qualify for residency tuition rate.
A certificate of residency will be valid only during the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in which they are issued. There will be no retroactive certification after the close of any semester.
Persons liable for and delinquent in payment of per capita or occupation taxes shall not be eligible for a certificate of residency.
To be eligible, a person's high school class must be graduated or the person granted early admission in accordance with the District's early admission policy.
Early Admission:
The District will assume responsibility for one-third of the tuition beginning with the fall semester immediately following completion of the pupil's junior year of high school for any pupil who meets the residency requirements and has been granted early admission to Harrisburg Area Community College as a full-time student under provisions of Chapter 7, Section 145, Regulations of the State Board of Education.
Adopted October 19, 2015
PA Assistance Programs
One-to-One Program
One-to-One Program
One-to-One Program
Here you will find information related to our High School's One-to-One Computing program.
Students' first homework assignment with their laptops will be to review with a parent or guardian the One-to-One Laptop Manual, One-to-One FAQs, and Acceptable Use Policy, all linked below, and complete an online acknowledgement and agreement to the terms of the laptop loan program. Students will receive these documents and link to the online agreement through their school-issued email. A paper copy of the Loan Agreement is available below for printout. Paper copies should be turned in to the high school main office, however, you are encouraged to complete the form online through student email.
One-to-One Program Documents
Please review the below documents before acknowledging the Laptop Loan Agreement emailed to your child:
The GIANT Company Partnerships
Giant A+ School Rewards
- How it Works
- Customers register their BonusCard beginning August 3, 2018 and can support up to two (2) schools.
- Get Started
- Sign in to your account (or register for an account) to link your BonusCard to your school.
- You may select up to two (2) schools in our District
- Susquehanna Township High School
- Susquehanna Township Middle School
- Thomas W. Holtzman Elementary School
- Sara Lindemuth / Anna Carter Primary School
- Selected school(s) earn money from your qualified purchases during the program period.
- If you need assistance, Call Customer Care at 888-814-4268 OPTION #1
Student Policies, Manual and Handbook
- Dress Code Policy
- Parent/Student Handbook
- Student Success Manual
- Use of Betel Nut or Supari on District Property
Dress Code Policy
Parent/Student Handbook
Student Success Manual
Use of Betel Nut or Supari on District Property
Use of Betel Nut or Supari on District Property
The district has been informed about student usage of betel nut on school property. Betel nut also known as supari or areca nut comes from the areca palm and is known for its deep red or purple smile. The nut is commonly sighted in south and south-east Asia and Asia Pacific as important in social customs, religious practices, and cultural rituals. Many people chew betel nuts for the energy boost, or euphoric feelings it may produce. Others may chew betel nuts due to traditional beliefs that it may offer relief for a range array of ailments, for which the nut not been tested and holds very limited to any health benefits.
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies Betel nut as a carcinogen, and it is known as a stimulant, psychoactive drug. The US food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not consider betel nut safe for chewing or eating. Betel nuts contain tobacco, which in turn contains nicotine, an addictive chemical that possesses both short and long-term health effects. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns of these health effects including but not limited to cancer of the mouth and esophagus, altered speech, gum irritation, permanent tooth discoloration, tooth decay and reproductive issues, including birth defects. The American Society for Clinical Nutrition found a strong connection between betel nut and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.
Betel Nut or Supari is not allowed on school property. Students found in possession of Betel Nut will be disciplined according to the District’s Student Success Manual (Code of Conduct) or may be referred to law enforcement.
Online Forms
Downloadable Forms
Please click the appropriate form or application below to download and complete.