Flexible Instructional Day
The District has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to implement up to five (5) Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) during the 2024-2025 school year. The Flexible Instructional Day Program is a tool available to public school to be used as an alternate approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in customary manner.
Please note, in accordance with State regulations regarding Flexible Instructional Days (FID), the District must first utilize the school cancellation make-up day that is included in the District calendar before a FID can be declared. If there is a need to cancel school for any reason, e.g., snow or cold, prior to that date we will make that day up as a normal school day on the school cancellation make-up day listed in the District calendar. All other school cancellations will be made up at the end of the school year as noted on the District calendar unless a Flexible Instructional Day is called.
STSD Flexible Instructional Day Application
What is a Flexible Instructional Day (FID)?
A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is an alternative approach to providing instruction on days when inclement weather or an emergency would necessitate the cancellation of school. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) allows public school entities to develop Flexible Instructional Day programs to avoid school closure while meeting the 180 instruction Day requirement. The FID program may be virtual, offline, or a combination.
On an FID, students must complete learning assignments and activities provided by their teacher(s) at home. The District can use up to five (5) FIDs per school year. FIDs are considered a school day and count toward the number of instructional days/hours required by the Pennsylvania Public School Code.
To implement an FID program, the local School Board Directors must approve the application prior to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) acceptance.
If the District calls for an FID, how will I know?
Students and parents/guardians will be informed of an FID through the District’s notification system in the same way that school closings and delays are currently announced, via phone, email, website and social media as is our practice. These communications may include detail that we are using a “FID” and the day will not need to be made up during the school year.
How does learner attendance work?
Teachers will record attendance at the start of the day (K-5) and the beginning of each period (6-12) in Infinite Campus. Students or guardians should notify the school using the main number, (717) 657-5100, if they cannot log in for synchronous instruction due to technical challenges.
If students cannot log in for regular attendance but can 1) access assignments, materials, and resources offline and 2) submit the required assignments immediately upon returning to school, they will receive credit for attendance during the FID. Teachers will contact these learners via phone to provide instructional support.
Students who were absent when FID resources and materials were downloaded to the desktop folder, and choice boards (hard copies) were distributed will be given additional time to make up assignments for a grade but will not be given credit for attendance on the FID.
Students who leave their devices at school will complete Choice boards during the FID and must submit immediately upon returning to school to receive credit for attendance during the FID. Students who fail to complete and submit required assignments immediately upon returning to school, do not log in, and fail to notify the school of challenges, will be considered absent (unexcused) for the FID and will not receive credit for participation. Student grades will reflect a failure to submit required assignments per the district's Grading Policy.
How is a learner expected to complete the FID activities if they cannot access the internet due to childcare arrangements or the loss of internet service?
When the district anticipates an FID, teachers will guide learners to download necessary materials and resources to their desktop folders from Campus, Microsoft Classroom, or DoJo using their district-issued devices (iPad or laptop). Teachers will distribute choice boards (hard copies) to complement online instruction. Choice boards will be organized by grade band and include standards-aligned assignments based on the district's adopted curriculum, as well as scaffolds to enable learners to complete the work independently if necessary. Choice boards require no internet access.
Assignments and projects can be completed and saved to the desktop folder for submission immediately upon return to school. Choice boards (hard copies) will be available for learners who cannot access their desktop folders because of power outages or limited access to charging cables, etc. Completed choice board assignments must be submitted immediately on the first day school reopens.
Parents/Guardians will notify the school if their child completes assignments offline or on a paper copy.
How does my learner submit assignments?
Students will submit assignments via Campus, ClassDoJo, Seesaw, or Microsoft Classrooms. Students completing assignments offline (FID desktop folder or choice boards) will complete and save assignments and projects to their desktops during the FID and submit immediately upon return to school.
Students/guardians should notify their teachers through Campus, ClassDojo, Seesaw, or Microsoft Classrooms if they have internet access. Students/guardians who do not have internet access should use the main district number, (717) 657-5100, if they need help accessing or submitting materials. They may also open a ticket with the Support Desk (tech department).
In the absence of tech challenges, learners are expected to log in for synchronous and asynchronous instruction and complete assigned tasks to receive credit for participation and attendance.
How will parents/guardians and learners find the FID learning assignment and activities?
When the district anticipates an FID, teachers will guide learners to download necessary materials and resources to their desktop folders from Campus, Microsoft Classroom, or DoJo using their district-issued devices (iPad or laptop). Teachers will distribute choice boards (hard copies) to complement online instruction.
Susquehanna Township School District assures that all students identified as eligible for special education services will receive the necessary supports and modification as required in the student’s individual IEP. Students will be provided access to instruction by their teacher in a variety of methods (including but not limited to live lessons, presentations, pre-recorded videos of instruction, guided digital lessons, etc.). Students will be provided access to instructional staff via a schedule set by the teacher, providing for virtual or phone appointments with individual students, live lessons, and email correspondence.
How can my child(ren) contact their teacher during an FID?
Teachers will be available via email throughout the day. Learners/Parents can find teacher contact information on our website.
Families without internet access may call the school between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM to be reach staff support. This includes special education teachers, reading specialists, English as Second Language teachers, school counselors, nurses, speech therapists, and special subject teachers, such as art, music, library, physical education, and health.
What happens if a learner does not complete the FID assignments?
Learners who fail to complete their FID assignments will be considered absent for the day and will not receive credit for participation. The loss of points could impact a learner’s academic progress.
It is the teacher’s discretion whether to accept a late assignment. Therefore, completing the work would be in the learner's best interest. Work turned in after the FID may receive credit from the teacher. However, assignments completed on the flexible instructional day will determine attendance.
My child has an IEP. Will his/her lesson be modified appropriately?
The FID lesson will be designed for learners with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction, and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans. Learners receiving specially designed instruction or accommodations should complete the work to the best of their availability and submit it on the FID for attendance requirements.
Learners with special needs will receive FID specific accommodations articulated within the IEP and recommended by the IEP team prior to the FID. Upon return from an FID, teachers of learners with special needs will meet with their learners to review work submitted, checking for completion and understanding. If needed, the learners will receive additional support to complete their work.
What if a learner is sick on the FID?
If a learner is sick on an FID, the parent/guardian must submit a written excuse just as they would have on a regular school day per school procedure. The learner and/or parent/guardian should discuss any required make-up work with the teacher.
What if a learner is on a pre-arranged absence on the FID?
The learner absent on an FID would be expected to make up the learning assignments and activities as if it were any other absence from school.
Will there still be make-up dates built into the district calendar?
Yes, three make-up dates are currently on the district calendar. An FID is an option that may be used in place of some canceled school days or make-up days but may not be used for all canceled school days in any given school year.